>> None of these problems appear when lightdm is started automatically at
>> boot time.
>My guess is that it's because you don't have a consolekit session
>properly set up when manually starting lightdm.

ck-list-session lists the session always the same way. No matter how it
was started. When started manually it looks like this:

        unix-user = '1000'
        realname = 'Sven Bartscher'
        seat = 'Seat1'
        session-type = ''
        active = TRUE
        x11-display = ':0'
        x11-display-device = '/dev/tty7'
        display-device = ''
        remote-host-name = ''
        is-local = TRUE
        on-sine = '2014-05-25T21:09:04.255508Z'
        login-session-id = '2'

The only difference to the message when started at boot time is the
login-session-id (which is then 1) and the title (which is then
I hope this is even information related to this. I'm not really
experienced with consolekit.

>You might want to try starting lightdm as root (directly, not using
>sudo), but in any case there's not much we can do here.

That's not working either.

Sven (who send the previous information together with Thomas Bartscher
      and now replies instead of Thomas)

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