The following five tickets have been addressed in Fedora 23:

 * PKI TRAC Ticket #2022 - pkispawn ignores 3rd party CA certs in
   pki_clone_pkcs12_path <>
 * PKI TRAC Ticket #2253 - Some password/pin fields have no '%' escape
 * PKI TRAC Ticket #2252 - ipa-kra-install fails when using pki-kra
   10.2.x <>
 * PKI TRAC Ticket #2257 - PKCS #12 backup does not contain trust
   attributes. <>
 * PKI TRAC Ticket #2216 - Python 3: unorderable types: PKISubsystem()

by the following build:

 * pki-core-10.2.6-18.fc23

Please provide Karma for this build in Bodhi located at:

 * pki-core-10.2.6-18.fc23

-- Matt

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