I tested myself by pointing to mharmsen's system, seems to work fine.

Conditional ACK on the patch, just remove some of the entries in we were not 
you needed. We tested with just the bare minimum and it works.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Matthew Harmsen" <mharm...@redhat.com>
To: "pki-devel" <pki-devel@redhat.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 11:42:02 AM
Subject: [Pki-devel] [PATCH] Fixed adminEnroll servlet browser import issue

Please review the attached patch which addresses: 

    * PKI TRAC Ticket #1669 - adminEnroll servlet EnrollSuccess.template 
succeeds but fails on import into browser 

This was tested on Fedora 23 by doing the following: 

    * installed and configured a CA 
    * Successfully tested enrollment in a browser after importing the original 
Admin certificate 
    * systemctl stop pki-tomcatd@pki-tomcat.service 
    * edited /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/CS.cfg to set: 

        * ca.Policy.enable=true 
        * cmsgateway.enableAdminEnroll=true 
    * systemctl start pki-tomcatd@pki-tomcat.service 
    * created a new Firefox profile 
    * traversed to the EE page, went to the Retrieval tab, imported the CA 
cert, and trusted it 
    * within this new profile, traversed to 
https://pki.example.com:8443/ca/admin/ca/adminEnroll.html , and filled out the 
    * with this patch installed, it should generate a new admin certificate and 
import it successfully into this new profile -- to check, attempt to use the 
imported admin certificate to traverse to the Agents page 

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