On 6/13/2016 9:38 PM, Fraser Tweedale wrote:
Hi all,

The attached patch fixes https://fedorahosted.org/pki/ticket/2359.
Please review for inclusion in 10.3.3.


It looks like the initSignUnit() is only called with retrieveKeys=true in init(). So the code that starts the key retriever thread probably can be moved out, becoming something like this:


  try {

  } catch (CAMissingCertException | CAMissingKeyException e) {
      // start key retriever thread

  } catch (EBaseException e) {

I think it would clarify a little bit how the missing cert/key is handled.

So if I understand correctly if the cert/key is missing the LWCA object will still be created and registered, but it will be disabled (hasKeys=false)?

When the key retriever thread is complete, will it automatically reinitialize and enable the LWCA object?

Regardless, feel free to push the patch as is.

Endi S. Dewata

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