On 07/14/2016 03:02 PM, Geetika Kapoor wrote:
> On 07/14/2016 01:53 PM, Fraser Tweedale wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 06:01:51PM +1000, Fraser Tweedale wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 01:05:18PM +0530, Geetika Kapoor wrote:
>>>> On 07/14/2016 11:38 AM, Geetika Kapoor wrote:
>>>>> On 07/14/2016 10:06 AM, Fraser Tweedale wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 04:36:26PM +0530, Geetika Kapoor wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> Please review this patch.Below is a small summary about this fix and
>>>>>>> what we are trying to achieve.
>>>>>>> CLI :  pki-server db-upgrade
>>>>>>> what it should be doing is if it sees that issuerName doesn't exist,NULL
>>>>>>> it will add it itself.
>>>>>>> Operation 1 : Search for the empty cn value for issuerName
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Current :   '(&(objectclass=certificateRecord)(issuerName=*))  -- I
>>>>>>> tried this it didn't show data even if i have record with empty 
>>>>>>> issuerName
>>>>>> Hi Geetika,
>>>>>> The current filter is actually:
>>>>>>   '(&(objectclass=certificateRecord)(!(issuerName=*)))',
>>>>>> This should match entries missing the issuerName attribute.  You
>>>>>> talk about an entry with "empty issuerName" but empty strings are
>>>>>> not allowed for the Directory String attribute type.  Could you
>>>>>> please clarify exactly what data is in the offending entry/entries
>>>>>> and how it got there?
>>>>> Hi Fraser,
>>>>> If we disable syntax check in ldap dse.ldif , it will accept empty
>>>>> data as well.So if a end user disable syntax check,issuerName can be
>>>>> empty in that case.(a test case that i tried)
>>>>> So in that case db-update will never happen because that condition is
>>>>> not considered.This scenario can be reproduced using below ldif file.
>>>>> <file>
>>>>> dn: cn=106,ou=certificateRepository,ou=ca,o=pkitest-CA
>>>>> objectClass: certificateRecord
>>>>> objectClass: top
>>>>> cn: 106
>>>>> algorithmId: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1
>>>>> autoRenew: ENABLED
>>>>> certStatus: VALID
>>>>> dateOfCreate: 20160712084443Z
>>>>> dateOfModify: 20160712084443Z
>>>>> duration: 1131536000000
>>>>> issuedBy:   geetika20
>>>>> *issuerName:     *  
>>>>> metaInfo: requestId:100
>>>>> notAfter: 20170712084205Z
>>>>> notBefore: 20160712084205Z
>>>>> publicKeyData::
>>>>> serialno: 100
>>>>> signingAlgorithmId: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11
>>>>> subjectName: CN=CS Administrator,C=US
>>>>> userCertificate;binary::
>>>>> version: 2
>>>>> </file>
>>>>> So in such a case using
>>>>> '(&(objectclass=certificateRecord)(!(issuerName=*)))',will not able to
>>>>> search for such entries.I tried and it gives me empty data .I believe
>>>>> using (&(objectclass=certificateRecord)
>>>>> (!(issuerName=*))(!(issuerName=cn*))) can solve that purpose.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Geetika
>>>> Hi Frazer,
>>>> I just did one quick round of testing .If we have
>>>> '(&(objectclass=certificateRecord)(!(issuerName=cn*)))', it will work in
>>>> both cases :
>>>> 1. When issuerName doesn't exist.
>>>> 2. When issuserName field exist but has empty value.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Geetika
>>> I still disagree that it is the right approach, because it may do
>>> unnecessary work for records that already have an issuerName that
>>> does not start with "cn".
>>> Is it even necessary to support cases where customer has disabled
>>> syntax checking?  Nevertheless, let me disable syntax checking on
>>> one of my instances and see if I can find a better filter.
>> Please try this filter:
>>     (&(objectclass=certificaterecord)(|(!(issuername=*))(issuername=)))
>> It will find only certificates with missing or empty issuername
>> attribute.  Does it work as expected for you, Geetika?
> Let me try Frazer..
> Thanks
Yes that works for both test cases.
>>>>>>> Modified :  (&(objectclass=certificateRecord)(!(issuerName=cn*)))'   --
>>>>>>> This solves the purpose as it shows all the certs without issuerName
>>>>>> This filter is wrong - it does match entries without issuerName (as
>>>>>> intended), but also matches entries with issuerName set but not
>>>>>> starting with "cn".
>>>>>>> Operation 2 : If we see a empty cn value , we are replacing it with
>>>>>>> value we get from code
>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> < code>
>>>>>>> cert = nss.Certificate(bytearray(attr_cert[0]))
>>>>>>>         issuer_name = str(cert.issuer)
>>>>>>> </code>
>>>>>>> Current : we are updating the list it the format as mentioned 
>>>>>>> 'issuerName': ['', 'CN=CA Signing Certificate,O=example.com Security
>>>>>>> Domain']
>>>>>>> Do we want to keep this behavior or we want to overwrite it in first
>>>>>>> place? I believe in place of we do it MOD_REPLACE.
>>>>>>> <try:
>>>>>>>             conn.ldap.modify_s(dn, [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'issuerName',
>>>>>>> issuer_name)])
>>>>>>> Modified : onn.ldap.modify_s(dn, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'issuerName',
>>>>>>> issuer_name)])
>>>>>> This change is OK.
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