Hi :-)

> > My currently planned next steps would be:
> > - compile time checks for xrandr 1.2
> In krandr I have done this, so it might be a good idea checking it
> there.

Yes... I planned on seeing how you did it! ;-)

> > - xinerama support
> The only thing that should be taken care of is not to mix real
> xinerama with fake xinerama (which provides randr1.2 info). I don't
> really know what happens if you use a xinerama setup for two cards
> that have more than one output each.

I havent really looked any deeper into xinerama... Guess i will have to get my 
desktop-machine to boot first, theres a decent chance its not xrandr 1.2 

> > One of my open questions would be: Should kephald be converted into a
> > kded-module?
> I would say it is a good idea, as kded is already in place for that
> purpose.

Yes... I will see whether i can get that working today!

> > And of course: What do or dont you like?
> > What did i forget?
> I might have missed this, but where is the source hosted? I want to
> take it a look.

Ohh... I guess i really did forget to add that! :-D
Its in: playground/base/plasma/screenmanagment

> > What ideas do you have?
> Your work seems very complete from my point of view.
> The only thing I could think about was to do some integration with
> kwin's effects, to add a fade-to-black and fade-from-black effects
> when switching outputs' parameters to make the transition look more
> smooth.

Sounds interesting!! :-)

> Besides that, I guess the work on this stuff is following a good way.
> Congratulations for the job!

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