On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 8:00 AM, Marco Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday 17 September 2008, Edwin de Jong wrote:
>> Hi everyone, (cross-posting to plasma-devel and kde-artists)
>> In short: I wondered: if you're an artist with svg skills if you like to
>> help me with the weather plasmoid and if you're from the plasma-devs list
>> to give an opinion. Oh, and to you all for ideas and such.
>> In the coming days I'll be busy with the weather plasmoid. I already
>> overhauled quite a lot of the code, recreated the configuration GUI, made
>> it dockable in the panels and the fonts and colours are settable now. It
>> even resizes nicely.
> sooo, is a modification of the current applet? a new one? is Shawn aware of
> this? (wouldn't be better working together, isn't it?:)

Lets be serious here, anyone working on the "official" weather
plasmoid has ended up bogged down in wacky details and implementation
issues and an applet that should have been produced a year ago is
still all sorts of broken.
>> Tomorrow I expect also the location chooser to work nicely in a treeview to
>> select your continent, country and city. Besides this I plan to make it
>> show the weather forecast.
>> I wondered, for those of you with svg skills, if you wanted to work on some
>> extra 'gadgets' around the plasmoid, such as a working wind vane,
>> thermometer, etc. etc. There is already a set of icons for the weather
>> conditions. The deal is: you give me the svg files, I'll *try* to code them
>> in :)
>> I already made a wind-direction indicator thingy in svg which we could
>> try to work on further... The problem just is, I either work on the code,
>> or on the svg, but not both at the same time. The indicator svg file is in
>> the attachment.
>> For the plasma developers: the widget essentially pulls its data from
>> weather.yahoo.com. I hope that is not a problem? It's not really in line
>> with the OSS spirit, but the widget in KDE 3 did more or less the same.
>> Also, I wouldn't really know where else to get the data from.
> it's a new dataengine? (hope the data fetching isn't directly into the
> applet:)
> btw the problem is not much if it's in line of the oss spirit, there are
> already applets that pull data from commercial services like twitter.
> the problem is if yahoo terms of use permits to do so, often they are sooo
> unclear that is even difficult to know if we are allowed (that's why there
> aren't engines that pulls data from weather.com for instance)
> Cheers,
> Marco Martin
>> For the rest: I really welcome new ideas!
>> Regards,
>> Edwin de Jong
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