> From: Aaron J. Seigo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ah, one thought: do you think it would make sense to have some sort of 
> registry system for the theme elements so that your dialog could just read in 
> a config file or something that describes the configurable theme elements? 
> that 
> way we wouldn't have to adjust the dialog when the theming changes, and third 
> party additions to the theme could show up as well.. 
> that increases the complexity of your project a bit .. i wonder if it is 
> worth 
> it? what do you think?
That shouldn't be too difficult.  Just have to figure out all the meta info 
that would constitute a theme element.
It's mostly there right now: name, icon and theme file for each theme element 
is currently hardcoded for loading the theme item table.  I could move this 
hardcoded stuff to a simple registry file and load from there instead.  
Shouldn't add much work and I think it's worth it.

much respect,
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