On Wednesday 22 October 2008 15:27:18 Dmitry Suzdalev wrote:
> Hello!
> I just found a real problem with new notifications system. Let me describe
> it. New notifications are shown using a PopupApplet which is a full-blown
> window from the KWin POV. So what happens is the following:
> dimsuz is touch-typing with amazing speed in his kmail window. at the same
> time he often alt-tabs to kopete to chat with friends, and also types much
> in konversation in #plasma channel :)
> At the same time a lot of notifications arrive, and guess what  - each of
> them steals focus from dimsuz's current input widget! Because each of them
> has a default window role.
> What do you think dimsuz thinks on each notification appearance? Yeah, he
> thinks:
> "#%#!!!?#?!!!"
> And then  clicks back on the widget he is typing into :)
> I tried to fix this one, but quickly found that systray (being a
> PopupApplet) just uses PopupApplet::popup() function.
> That is systray has no control on the dialog that pops up.
> I think that it should be able to somehow tell the popup() that this
> particular popup should be of Qt::Tooltip type or something like that.

Popup Dialogs used to be Qt::Tooltip, only that doesn't function correctly 
when you want to be able to drag widgets away from the window, as is possible 
with extender items. But I agree we should avoid the dialog stealing focus. I 
assume there is some window flag to accomplish that. I will look into that.

> So I'm thinking what's the best way to do this? A parameter to popup()
> function? A new function PopupApplet::setPopupAsTooltip(bool)? something
> else?

I think the don't steal focus behavior should be default for all popupapplets.

> Note, that i think this is a problem that really needs to be fixed, as it
> may potentially annoy a lot of our users :)


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