> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: plasma-devel@kde.org> Subject: Re: Problems with 
> the new tasks applet> Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 11:42:08 +0200> > On Thursday 23 
> October 2008, christian mollekopf wrote:> > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
> plasma-devel@kde.org> Subject: Re: > Problems> > > with the new tasks applet> 
> Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 11:20:45 +0200> > On> > > Wednesday 22 October 2008, 
> Aaron J. Seigo wrote:> > On Wednesday 22> > > October 2008, Marco Martin 
> wrote:> > > rows to make room for that ghost> > > dead third row and seems 
> there is no way> > > to really reset it (and no,> > > there was absolutely no 
> updates to> > > graphicslayouts in qt4.5tp not a> > > single line changed :/ 
> ).> >> > ugh. this is really bad. and probably> > > means that whenever we 
> change row #,> > we'll have to delete and recreate> > > the layout. the baby 
> jesus weeps.> > update: replicating the scenario> > > with the very simple 
> test program attached > the problem doesn't appear.>> > > but if in the 
> taskbar i explicitly remove all the items from the layout> > > before > a 
> relayout the problem is still here, i.e the debug output says> > > it placed 
> only > items in the first row but items are resized as the rows> > > were 
> two> > so the situation is weirder and weirder, it doesn't seem a> > > bug of 
> the grid > layout but something at our end, this gives hope but> > > seems 
> tricky> i suspect has something to do with size hints and preferred> > > 
> sizes, will do > some more experiments later today.> hopefully the> > > 
> solution is way simpler than it seemed in the first place :D> >> > Would be 
> cool of course if you could fix it, but theres a working version> > in trunk 
> now. It recreates the layout everytime as you suggested.> > Its ugly but at 
> least it works.> > I 've tried loads of stuff to get around this but it never 
> worked.....> > i see, good job, man :)
thanks =)
> in the way you did it should be quite easy to not destroy it anymore if a > 
> solution is found, so i'll keep searching :)> 
Yes, we will have to keep this workaround in mind until the solution is found,
so we keep it easy to switch back. 
Maybe we can fix it in qt-copy? (for 4.3 or someting at least....)
> Cheers,> Marco Martin> > > Good luck =)> >> > > > Cheers,> Marco Martin>> >> 
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