On Saturday 29 November 2008 15:36:59 Anne-Marie Mahfouf wrote:
> On Saturday 29 November 2008 15:15:58 Rob Scheepmaker wrote:
> > On Saturday 29 November 2008 13:55:15 Matthias Fuchs wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > First I know that the systray notifications are very new.
> > >
> > > Second I have some problems with them ;) [1]:
> When one uses the DesktopTheme Details kcm and choose a customized desktop,
> there are something like 10 notifications (or way more but then they pile
> up outside my laptop!) that open, they seems to indicate that some theme
> file is copied somewhere. As those files are copied everytime you change
> something that makes it very annoying.
> So there are useless notifications.
> Useful notifications do not stay long enough to be read (Nepomuk at first
> start, Phonon stuf sometimes).

As stated in my previous mail, I don't believe there's any way to make a 
distinction between important or unimportant jobs, in the case of kio jobs, 
besides maybe waiting a couple of seconds before showing one to filter out the 
really short (and that way probably irrelevant) jobs. Maybe it would be useful 
to add an api option to kio to mark jobs as important or unimportant. Or we 
could require every app to register even kio jobs to kuiserver themselves, but 
that would be unrealistic for 4.2.

> Clicking stop button makes notification crash.

Not here.... what version are you running and can you provide a backtrace? 
Thanks :)

> Clicking somewhere on the notification makes the mouse cursor stay as a
> hand on plasma. Not sure what clicking triggers this bug but I reproduced
> after another user said so.

Ey, I noticed the cursor staying a hand before, but I never understood how to 
reproduce it, it just happened to me every once in a while. This will help me 
a lot in fixing this problem, thanks. :)

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