On Sunday 14 December 2008 16:34, Artur Souza (MoRpHeUz) wrote:
> Hey!
> On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 12:00 PM, Fredrik Höglund <fred...@kde.org> wrote:
> > The warning that the desktop folder will be created when the user selects
> > "Show Desktop folder" in the config dialog was carefully worked out in
> > coordination with our usability experts, so I thank you for not removing it.
> That's why we are discussing this here and didnt commit
> anything...from aseigo's point of view it shouldnt never create
> automatically the folder thus making the warning useless.

It doesn't create the folder unless the user explicitly asks it do so, hence
the warning informing the user about what will happen when they select
that option.

The alternative is that we gray out the option, and if the user wants
to enable it they will have to start systemsettings, click "About Me"
(the most logical place where one would look for the desktop path), figure
out what the folder should be named, create it, then copy all the files in
${PREFIX}/share/apps/kio_desktop/DesktopLinks into the folder, copy
directory.desktop and directory.trash from kio_desktop into it and
rename them to .directory and trash.desktop respectively.

We could add those instructions to the What's This help in KDE 4.3, but
I'm against that idea because I think the competition would be laughing
their asses off.

Or we could do all this for the user when they've selected that option,
and made it clear that it is what they want.

> And about the patch itself, a lot of discussion happened in #plasma
> with two different groups and too diferent ideas in two different
> days. The bug reports and these discussions shows that we need to do
> polish some stuff here.


> > Your patch doesn't change the fact that the folder will be created when
> > the user selects that option, you've merely changed the default preference
> > when the user hasn't configured anything.
> The folder isnt created when it doesnt exist, just tested that. It
> shows a big red "X" with the label: "The file or folder XXX does not
> exist." Can you tell the steps to reproduce it here ?

If you look at the top of configAccepted() you'll see that it sets the URL
to "desktop:/" when the "Show Desktop folder" option is checked.

The desktop ioslave should do a check and create the folder if it doesn't
exist, but it's possible something has regressed or that you've found a bug.

I can't reproduce it here though.

> Ah, btw I couldnt find your username at reviewboard and thus couldnt
> cc you the patch.

I don't have an account on the reviewboard, but I'll save that for another
discussion :)


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