On Monday 15 December 2008 05:53:50 Chani wrote:
> this fancy hierarchy thing you suggest would probably just end up being
> confusing. and if you want related files to be in the same folderview, then
>   just put them in the same folder. besides, I bet we'll have nepomuk
> queries available eventually and then you'll be able to do a lot of the
> fancy things you want. I don't see how your suggestion would be any less
> time- consuming than creating a few folders and dragging files into them.

I've played with the "I want some files scattered across the filesystem on my 
desktop", and it's actually dead easy to do. Just create a tag, "Desktop" for 
example, and have a folderview point to nepomuksearch:/hastag:Desktop. If you 
want something to be on the desktop, tag it with "Desktop", remove the tag to 
not show it anymore.

This could even be automated when application start to do it. Think of 
folderviews showing "recent files received by email", files belonging to a 
certain activity or projets, websites tagged, ...

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