On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 1:31 AM, 0xDeadC0de <roguestar...@comcast.net> wrote:

> Note, the version I sent to the mailing list... had problems. The
> version I have still does, I can't get any zorder's to be respected and
> randomly(near it's a computer I know nothing is really random in them)
> the combo box's will be behind or in front of things.  the Qt guys say
> "Shouldn't do that with proper parenting", Aaron said "Try raising z
> values". I tried both, separately, and together, just get bad or no
> results. I'm new to Qt too though so it very well could be my fault,
> although I have it on good authority it's likely a Qt bug.

Yes, i would be surprised if that was something to do with the ruby
bindings, but not impossible.

> I applied for KDE svn, will put the "fixed" version that I have (still
> has the zorder bug...) as soon as I get accepted. Other than that thing,
> it's all working for me. Final note, I'm new to ruby, so I apologize if
> there are memory problems.. memory bugs were the hardest for me to grasp
> and understand in c++ - and i really haven't even looked at how ruby
> handles memory yet (erm... my bad), and if there's a way to call
> "delete" on c++ pointers passed down to ruby scripts, or if that's even
> needed.
> (Say I remove an item from a qt list, the qt list has removeAt or
> something like that which returns the still active pointer to the item
> that it removed from the list and must be deleted manually, not sure
> what to do in ruby if anything...)
> new version also has the slier

All C++ lists are converted to Ruby Arrays and so there is no equivalent of
'destroy on remove' - the underlying C++ instances for the list elements
will be deleted when Ruby GCs them. If a list element was created in the C++
world, it won't be deleted though as the qtruby runtime assumes that the C++
side will delete.

-- Richard
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