On Wednesday 07 January 2009, Frank Karlitschek wrote:
> 1. News
> We should have a communication channel for KDE related informations
> directly to our users. So we can post announcements directly to the
> Desktop of our users.
> It should be easy to build a plasmoid and a rss feed for this. Should
> be doable for KDE 4.3. This plasmoid should be on the desktop by
> default.

we could even use one of the two existing RSS capable plasmoids for this, or 
at least a base. so yes, this should be *very* easy to accomplish on the KDE 

> 2. People
> Place a plasmoid on the desktop where users can find other kde users
> in the same city or region. You can contact users, ask questions,
> become friends and do screensharing. This is a nice tool for community
> building. We don´t want to show the billion of teens from facebook on
> our desktop. This is about building and pushing the KDE and free
> desktop community.
> The serverside is already in place. We have over 110.000 registered
> free desktop users on openDesktop.org. The API is also working.
> All we need is a plasmoid to use this api.
> Cornelius did a proofe of concept already you can find the code here:
> http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/attica/

> 3. Activities
> People love to see what is going on in their KDE friends network.

i wonder if this should be integrated into the Contacts plasmoid and shipped 
with 4.3?

> 4. events
> It would be great if KDE people could see if there are interesting
> upcoming kde or free software events in their region.
> It would be nice to have a central events database where everybody who
> wants to organize a kde or free software event can publish the event
> and other poeople in the same region get notifications.
> This would require a serverside implementation and a plasmoid to show
> the events. Or do we want to have korganizer integration here?

both, imho.

> I plan to implement the serverside together with an api in the future
> but i cant promisse a date where it will be ready. So help is welcome
> here. :-)

what sort of technology will the server side be using?

> 5. Knowledgebase:
> If a user is starting KDE for the first time he has questions. At the
> moment all the support for KDE users is handled by forums and
> mailinglist. So users have to start up a browser go to google and
> search for answers for his questions or problems. This is great for
> experienced users but not very good for beginners. Forums are not the
> best systems to store a knowledge base or FAQs.
> We are developing a Desktop, right? I think we can do better.
> Why not integrate a knowede base system directly into the desktop.


> Great would be a plasmoid where users can directly query an online
> knowledge base system.
> For example a searchline, most popular questions from today and
> alltime. And a direct link to the person who asked the question and
> provided the answer.
> You can ask how you configure some specific option in KDE for example.
> You will get an answer or get the option to post this as an open
> question into the system.
> I´m build a proof of concept knowledgebase functionallity at the
> moment for the openDesktop.org websites together with a possible API.
> But this is work in progress. I think we have to play around with this
> functionallity to solve some technical and social problems first. But
> wouldn´t this be great? :-)

yes... we can help with the plasmoid quite easily if you'd like something to 
test this stuff with.

> So all we need are plasmoid developers to integrate this features into
> the desktop. ;-)

i think we have one or two hanging around ;)

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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