Hi :)

You might not know me, I definitely don't know most of you, but I've
been watching the plasma-process from time to time. And to be honest:
I really want to join you guys.
However, my KDE programming knowledge is not that big. I am quite
experienced in C++, and familiar with QT, although there is always
someone better, and especially in the KDE-family.

I do want to join, as far as I know there is no job-interview before
joining, but to really help out, I have to be familiar with the
plasma-background. I have developed an applet once, a couple of months
ago, but as far as I know, that's almost everything.

I thought it might be a good idea to develop an applet (and engine)
for a random purpose, just to get familiar with Plasma, I'm thinking
about an applet which displays the status from a sabnzbd server
(http://www.sabnzbd.org). The API of sabnzbd is quite good, so I can
concentrate at learning Plasma.

After that, I'm not really sure what to do next. I have seen some
tasklists (e.g. http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma/Tasks), maybe
it's a good idea to pick one of those and see how far I get. But I'm
not really sure about all of this.

I have a couple of questions: Is the process which I have in mind a
good idea? Am I too optimistic, because Plasma is too hard (as far as
I've seen, it's quite readable, and it just makes sense). I know there
are some mentors for KDE, is there also a mentor for Plasma, or can I
do the learning process on my own?

Feel free to comment on anything I wrote, I sent this mail basically
on two purposes: To get to know you guys a bit better, and, to be
honest, I'd like to be a bit in the picture. Maybe someone has a small
bug which should be easy to fix, and good to learn.

I really look forward to see some response :)

Henk te Sligte
Plasma-devel mailing list

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