On Tuesday 13 January 2009 23:07:37 Cornelius Schumacher wrote:
> On Tuesday 13 January 2009 19:28:08 Fabrizio Montesi wrote:
> > On Wednesday 07 January 2009 16:17:03 Frank Karlitschek wrote:
> > > [lots of cool things...]
> Yes, definitely. I'm lacking the time to write a detailed response to it
> right now, but I'm really looking forward to get community web services
> integrated with the desktop.
> > iirc Cornelius raised the interesting problem of respecting KDE's
> > preferences for connections... we should spend a minute about how much of
> > that we want in Plasma<->JOLIE integration and how to do it: a dbus
> > service by KDE's side that JOLIE would access? JOLIE reading some KDE
> > config file?
> It's not only about simply reading config options. It's also about sharing
> credentials via kwallet, having a central store and management UI for
> cookies, certificates, cache, and consistent handling of offline mode,
> progress information and some other stuff.
> I think the best solution would be, if JOLIE could use kio-slaves as
> transport layer. This would naturally give great integration with other KDE
> applications without having to implement all the configuration and shared
> infrastructure again.
I agree, but using KIO will not be so straightforward. I need to check if KIO 
allows for all the HTTP header manipulation Web Services need through its D-
Bus interface (if something is needed and not supported, I shall mention it 
and ask for a patch in KIO, kde-devel would be the right place for that 

I care for saying that changing the protocol JOLIE uses in the future won't 
cause any problem, i.e. we can start using the JOLIE http protocol and then 
change to KIO as soon as the integration is ready with some trivial changes in 
the JOLIE plasma adaptors (probably something like changing "http" to 
"kio_http" in the communication port protocol configurations).

I didn't find any documentation about KIO's dbus interface, maybe the best 
thing to do is to look at the source code?
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