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Review request for Plasma.


Previously we've decided to, by default not make attached items in an extender 
permanent. This has the problem of the position not being saved on items that 
are not detached though. For applets like network manager, it would however be 
nice if the position of the different extender items is being saved. That way 
the user can order the items the way they like it.
Since in for example libplasmaclock we check if the calendar already exists 
anyways (we don't want to duplicate the calendar just because it is detached), 
I don't think it's a very big problem if we change this behavior to always make 
extenderitems persistent (unless they have an autoExpireTimeout set). The only 
problem this gives is that jobs and notifications don't make sense to stay 
around after a reboot, cause they don't get an autoExpireTimout set while being 
displayed (they are just deleted when the notification is destroyed by 
knotification). This means if you reboot while a notification is being 
displayed, the notification will be shown after the reboot, which doesn't make 
sense. This will require a change to the systemtray to destroy all attached 
extender items in it's destructor which is fairly trivial. And I think most 
applets would want the plasma clock kind of behavior (always having a kind of 
fixed set of items being displayed), which would require them to check for 
duplicates anyway through extender()->item(name).
This patch changes the behavior to 'always persistent', and also saves all 
items' collapsed state. (and adds a big fat warning in the default 
implementation of initExtenderItem about not implementing initExtenderItem 
while using extenders)
The question is, do we want this change in behavior? I personally think it's 
worth it. Second question is, do we want this backported to 4.2. Again, I think 
yes, but can we do this considering the freeze?



Diff: http://reviewboard.vidsolbach.de/r/328/diff




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