On Thursday 22 January 2009 22:55:04 Ivan Čukić wrote:
> > > changing the name of plasma to plasma-desktop is doable. not even that
> > > hard. what do others think?
> +0.75 :)
> (we would need to be prepared for 'kquitapp plasma && plasma' doesn't work
> and stuff - it would be good to spam planetkde with posts about the name
> change).

Better doing it now than later.

And I don't see that line as a problem very much, after all:
- it shouldn't be appearing in any tutorial (what operation does require plasma 
restart in that way, after all), especially not in ones directed to newbies.
- the people that are using those commands (power users, devs) are perfectly 
capable of discovering the new name, especially if we announce it widely and 

The only unfortunate thing is that it won't go in 4.2. :(

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