Hi all,

I wrote a plasmoid[1] some months ago when KDE 4.1 wasn't even
released. It was full of those great hacks one had to do at that time
to have something (almost) working when building against KDE4.0's

Now that KDE 4.2 is out I decided it was time to review my code and do
some cleanup. One of the things I'm currently working on is porting my
code from Plasma::Applet to Plasma::PopupApplet and also using the
setConfigurationRequired method.

There's one thing I don't understand about the
setConfigurationRequired method. When I put my widget in a panel and
it is not configured I have a pretty ugly "Configure..." pushbutton
appearing. I did try some plasmoids that requires configuration
(twitter, comic, LCD weather station) and they all display a nice
"wrench" icon when in panel mode. The question is: Why is this not
working for me ?

Did I forget something ?

FYI: The code I'm currently working on is located at:



[1] - http://gmailnotifier.googlecode.com/
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