On Friday 20 February 2009, Artur Souza(MoRpHeUz) wrote:
> Please, help me filling the gaps ;)

the mentor line can just be "Plasma team" for now. we can get more specific 

> ====Project: Eduactional layout====
> '''Brief explanation:'''

A set of Containments and Plasmoids specifically designed for primary school 

> '''Expected results:'''

A simplified panel containment that contains basic launchers and user feedback 
for the student, a widget that allows teachers to provide context-specific 
sets of applications and documents to the student (context being a combination 
of the student logged in and the current class subject), a widget that 
provides some basic teacher->student communication and status (e.g. what the 
current assignment is, how long the student has been logged in, etc) and 
optionally some widgets that work with KDE edu apps.

> ====Project: Desktop dock====
> '''Brief explanation:'''

A MacOS style dock containment.

> '''Expected results:'''

A containment that provides a similar user experience to the MacOS dock: 
application launchers that are also task bar entries when the application is 
active and a separate area for widgets such as the trash, battery, etc.

> ====Project: Kdm frontend using plasma====
> '''Brief explanation:'''

A log-in screen layout manager for KDM that uses libplasma.

> '''Expected results:'''

A KDM screen that is rendered completely using Plasma. This means both using 
libplasma in KDM for the log in screen as well as writing Plasmoids for 
entering the user name and password, listing users, session switching, etc. 
Some of these widgets already exist for the desktop shell, so in some cases 
this will be simply integrating existing Plasmoids, but in other cases will 
mean writing new ones from the ground up.

> ====Project: Raptor====
> '''Brief explanation:'''


> '''Expected results:'''

http://www.raptor-menu.org/ ;)

> ====Project: New Widget Explorer====
> '''Brief explanation:'''
> A new widget explorer that supports both our own widgets as well as others
> more seamlessly.
> '''Expected results:'''

A usable and pretty browser for widgets that allows a user to see an icon or 
snapshot of the widget, select a widget to be placed in a containment, search 
for a widget based on name/description, sort the widgets into categories, rate 
widgets and provide ways to launch the online browsers and installers for both 
native Plasmoids as well as third party tools such as Google Gadgets (which is 
already supported in the Package class). All the required support 
functionality already exists, this project is really about creating a 
beautiful and dynamic user interface for looking through a widget catalog that 
looks "Plasma".

> ====Project: Contextmenu plugins====

Chani should do this one.

> ====Project: Dbus Interface====
> '''Brief explanation:'''

A comprehensive set of D-Bus interfaces for the plasma-desktop Plasma shell.

> '''Expected results:'''

The D-Bus interface must provide access to the Corona (DestkopCorona class), 
which in turn will list all existing Containments and allow Containments to be 
added, removed, saved, etc.

A D-Bus interface for each existing Containment will be made available as 
well, which will provide a standard set of tools including listing, adding and 
removing widgets as well as positioning and sizing for PanelContaiments. Ways 
to control the wallpaper, if any, will also be provided in the per-Containment 
D-Bus interface.

In turn, a D-Bus interface for each widget representing its available 
contextual actions will be provided dynamically upon request.

Finally, the application D-Bus interface for things such as locking/unlocking 
widgets will be designed and implemented.

The result will be a Plasma that is fully accessible via D-Bus.

> ====Project: Security====
> '''Brief explanation:'''

A set of methods to define the existing security state of the Plasma 
application, the security requirements of individual widgets, mechanisms to 
respect those two sets of information and cryptographic signing of Plasmoid 

> '''Expected results:'''

A set of functionality descriptions will be enumerated (e.g. "Network access", 
"Local file system access", etc.). Individual widgets will advertise which of 
these functionality sets they require. 

The plasma-overlay shell (used on the screensaver) will have code added to it 
to respect these settings and not run widgets that advertise they need things 
that aren't safe to provide on a screensaver (due to it being locked to 
prevent others from accessing the system).

The pasma-desktop shell will gain the ability to be put into various lock down 
states which will map to different sets of functionality. Part of this project 
will be enumerate the various states, but that list must include "only load 
trusted widgets", "no external access", "no local file system access".

The JavaScript engine will provide methods for each of the functionality sets 
(e.g. a set of functions to access local files) which will be exported or not 
based on the current Security state. This implies providing a security state 
to the Corona which can then be passed on down to Applets and AppletScripts.

Finally, GPG signing of Plasmoid packages will be implemented along with a way 
of checking the validity of these at runtime.

> ====Project: Flexible icon plasmoid + Smaller tasks====

without a good list of "smaller tasks" i don't think this will really fit.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Software

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