(replying as a user)

I would say yes. I would like to see plasma using more "native" themes. It 
feels "not kde-ish" to me.

(replying as a developer)
Above all - think about the how hard and buggy this implementation would get. 
Can  you have it stable by KDE 4.4? KDE 4.3 have it as a fall back, 
for "testing only" with an hidden 
command-line/environment-variable/configuration-option for testers. Specially 
if this would (even in theory) make plasma-desktop unstable.

Just my 0.2 cents

On Tuesday 24 February 2009 21:50:32 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> hi all ..
> some users seem disturbed that plasma "looks different". while i think they
> are rather completely missing the point (which is "yes, the shell is meant
> to look different") it did get me thinking about things ...
> when a theme doesn't include a given widget svg, right now we fall back to
> the default theme. i wonder if it might be interesting to let themed Plasma
> widgets such as the pushbutton fall back instead to the application QStyle.
> this could be accomplished by simply not falling back to the default theme
> for these elements or (i think probably more safely?) by having an entry in
> the theme's .desktop file that says "use system widgets".
> then in widgets like PushButton the paint method could check for which way
> the theme wants to go and use the normal QGraphicsProxyWidget's paint
> method in that case.
> thoughts?

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