On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 8:08 PM, Marco Martin <notm...@gmail.com> wrote:
it could be yeah, perhaps for popups.. when the sliding animation takes place
all the window slides or is cutted away? (like, wouldn't wantthe popups being
visible under the panel when they're animating)

The effect would be purely cosmetic, it wouldn't change window orders or 
anything and can be applied on a per-window basis. You can choose the direction 
that the window is appearing from and the duration but that's all I think it 
would do.

I guess the atom could also define a starting origin that it would be clipped 
at to prevent popups from being displayed the panel. Originally I had thought 
of just using the screen edge but instead that can be just a default.

the effect you talked about could be used to animate the auto hide panels, so
the shadow could follow the window in a correct way i think?

The main problem with the shadows is only displaying them on the desktop and 
not application windows. There is also the case of actually telling KWin what 
shadow texture to display (I assume the default shadow isn't what you want?). 
Other than that however the effect can solve the smooth shadow-friendly 
animation of panel hiding as everything is handled by KWin (The panel would 
just need to unmap itself to trigger it).


Lucas Murray :: http://www.undefinedfire.com
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