Hello, my name is Thomas Dziedzic. I am attending UIUC <www.uiuc.edu> and I am 
a sophomore majoring in Computer Science. I'm interested in the following 

I really like this idea because adding a D-Bus interface to the plasma-desktop 
would really make the desktop more flexible and open up more possibilities for 
the desktop. I would really like to work on this but I was wondering if there 
was anyone willing to mentor me. I would love to contribute to the KDE project 
in a way that would give it one more feature to make it more appealing.

Sorry if this is a little late, but I had tests this week. Anyways I am working 
on my proposal and if anyone wants to take a look at it, I'll be happy to post 
it up for you, since I'm not done at the moment.
-Thomas Dziedzic
Plasma-devel mailing list

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