> The nicest solution would be of course to just query iplocationtools.com with 
> "my current IP whatever", but for that, iplocationtools would need some kind 
> of API to extract the current IP from the HTTP request. Which it doesn't have 
> as far as I can see.

If you visit iplocationtools.com, they give location data for ones IP on the 
first page of the site - so evidently, they can do it, just haven't made an API 
for it.  I've got in touch with them to ask for the API call to be made, I'll 
report back on progress with that - I can't see it being too big a deal, and 
they seem good at handling requests pretty quickly..  In terms of reliability 
of service, whatismyip may be unreliable, but one of the big advantages of 
iplocationtools.com is that their servers can handle a few thousand geolocation 
requests per second - so we don't need to worry about it dying a death as 
geolocation becomes widespread in KDE.  Hence, I'd prefer to stick to it if 
possible - here's hoping they can sort out the API.

In the mean time, does anyone suppose there's a chance of a 'what is my IP'.php 
file being hosted on plasma.kde org as a stop-gap measure?  I can't see it 
using too much bandwidth, and the KDE servers seem pretty damned reliable.


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