On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 7:04 PM, Aaron J. Seigo <ase...@kde.org> wrote:
> if you need an SVN account, don't hesitate to get one:
Whoops, forgot to check that one out, I got one yesterday on your
recommendation on IRC (makmanalp).

> for instance, there's no "flip" in your list, though that's a natural effect
> to want when one looks at the picture frame plasmoid.
It's there! Really! :)

> the ideas are all good, but i think that if we simply create a list we'll run
> the risk of creating animations nobody really needs and missing animations
> that would be really useful to have.
I definitely get your point though, I will check out the list you
made, plus investigate a little more to see what other animation-using
widgets there are, and what other widgets would use animation. Then
I'll follow up with a revised list.

> for now, i think this is fine. i don't see us creating a better system than
> kinetic within libplasma without duplicating large amounts of its api.
> and as we identify commonly implemented "more advanced things" we can add
> those as stock animations.

~ mali (http://constant.inople.net/)
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