On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 10:18 PM, Diego Casella ([Po]lentino)
<polentino...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> other two weeks are gone, so it's time  to sinc() with each other about 
> PlasMate status, IIRC =)
> Now the TimeLine loads all the commits within the current branch, and also 
> all the commits that lead
> to that branch ( I'm thinking to make  that feature selectable by user, to 
> decrease the widget length ).
> For each item, a tooltip shows the author who made the commit, the date and 
> the stored message.
> In the top of the list is located the current working state of the project, 
> marked as "Not Saved".
> The lower item holds the working branch, and its tooltip shows the other 
> available branches.
> I also modified the GitRunner class, because the previous implementation 
> caused the app to not close.
> Now I'm working on handling properly signals and slots, so we can have an 
> almost working timeline
> within this week !
> By the way, do we *really* need the sidebar ? Each item can be found in the 
> final release of plasmate
> under the menubar, so I was wondering if we can replace it with something 
> more useful like a directory tree list ...

If you're talking about a directory tree list of all the files, I
think It'll be much like an IDE. There's no need to display it as
such. We can just have a list of files. As pointed out, being simple
is one of Plasmate's primary goals.
IMO lets have the sidebar smaller and maybe positioned just below the
menu by default.

> Let me know about this, and also your ideas; lets make PlasMate rocks =)
> Cheers !!
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