On Thursday 16 July 2009 19:32:14 Chani wrote:
> >  * Why do we have to hold the alt key while switching? Can't we break with
> > the concept? (get rid of the keyboard grab) <- here I need input from the
> > usability experts. Would it be ok to break with such a concept although all
> > other plattforms use it? What could be a better solution than pressing alt?
> > When we break how can we provide a easy "migration path" for our users? *
> > Everything the current solution provides, that is for example outlines *
> > More ideas are welcome :-)
> >
> I'm not sure about this... I've been using alt-tab for a long, long time and 
> it's not really a conscious thing any more. :)
> at the very least, I should not lose the ability to easily switch between two 
> windows with a simple shortcut. no multiple keypresses for that.

I agree, in what I have in mind alt-tab should by default work as usual; 
however if the user gives focus to the lineEdit, we can let the user release 
"alt"and type; 
selection would be done with the mouse or with tab / backtab as in krunner.
Also, we might  use (by default) meta-tab to give directly focus to the 
lineEdit, in a present-window fashion. 

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