Am Freitag, 24. Juli 2009 schrieb Chani:

Good morning

> On July 23, 2009 20:10:04 Patrick Aljord wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 9:32 PM, Chani<> wrote:
> > > it seems the costs for zurich and geneva are the same. is there any
> > > reason to pick one airport over the other, or should I flip a coin? ;)
> >
> > Geneva seems to be closer

That's right and the train ticket is cheaper from there.

> crud. I just noticed a problem: all hte flights I'm seeing leave zurich or
> geneva between 8:30 and 9:30am. I just remembered that it's a 3-4 hour
> train ride. that means I'd have to get on the train around 3 or 4am.
> do the trains even run that early/late?

No. There is one train from Randa to Zurich, Airport: leaving Randa 5:57 and 
arrival at the Airport 9:16. But I don't know if this train goes everyday. No 
such soon trains for Geneva.

> or maybe we take the train to the airport saturday night and find somewhere
> to sleep near there. or drink all night ;P

In Zurich I could offer this ;-). I live their right beneath the Airport ;-). 
In a shared flat. I'd give you a key or call the other people of the flat.

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