Hello guys,

I'm writing to you because I'd like to make a suggestion to make a
containment for errors around each plasmoid, so that when one crashes, it
doesn't take the whole plasma environment with it.

For example, I had a problem with KDE Network Manager plasmoid crashing and
taking with it the whole plasma-desktop process before displaying anything.
I wouldn't even get to see the panel containing the offending plasmoid, so
the only workaround I could find was to 'bastardize' the plasma config files
to remove the plasmoid from the panel. After removing it from the panel
plasma works fine.

I am not writing this mail to whine about my issue:
I think building a fence/containment for errors around each plasmoid should
solve a lot of bugs in Bugs.Kde.Org, or even if it doesn't fix the plasmoid
errors, this should make them bearable for end-users: they can ignore or
remove the offending plasmoid and be merry with it.

There's also the issue of reporting krashes in BKO: if a containment is
build around plasmoids, crashes will not be caught by Dr Krash. But can't
you launch Krash from the plasma containment to build the report?

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it.", 1971, Alan Kay:
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