Chani 写道:
> On August 6, 2009 03:53:10 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
>> On Thursday 06 August 2009, 潘卫平(Peter Pan) wrote:
>>> In KDE 3 , it was possible to set a wallpaper by dragging a picture from
>>> konqueror. And I implement this feature in Plasma::Containment.
>> i don't think this is really the right place for this code (in
>> Containment); rather, i think this would be better implemented as an
>> extension to Chani's containment actions project.
>> not all libplasma based applications will want to have images dropped on
>> them setting the background, so this is really something that needs to be
>> done per- application. being able to define the default actions for dropped
>> data therefore seems to make more sense.
> :/
> I guess it'd be possible to move all the drag&drop code into the paste plugin 
> and add a hack to store that plugin under some special key and call it with 
> the drag event...
> if it ever gets a config UI, though, you'd have trouble. right now they'd 
> share 
> the same config, which might be surprising. if I fix that then there'd be no 
> way 
> to configure drag&drop, unless you stick a button for it somewhere...

Where can I get some inforamtion about the paste plugin and your 
containment actions project?

> also, 潘, would you be able to put your patches on instead 
> of emailing them? it's easier to track them there. :)
I'm new to KDE, and I didn't know where is the proper place to send my 
patch. I thought if the patch is mature, reviewboard is the proper 
place, if not, mailing list is the proper place. Am I right?


潘卫平(Peter Pan)
Red Flag Software Co., Ltd
Plasma-devel mailing list

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