On Saturday 08 August 2009, Hari krishna Anandhan wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 11:22 AM, Ivan Čukić<ivan.cukic+...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> what would you do with an activity type that you couldn't do with just
> >> the activity name?
> >
> > The type could be used by the /activity switching/ plasmoid - to group
> > the activites, or to show only a certain type of activity...
> Activity Type can be used to covey a concrete semantic meaning about
> what the activity actually is; While 'activity name' can be used to
> restrict display to information pertaining to the current activity
> (like emails, people, apps, etc related to that activity), activity
> type gives another dimension to it which enables certain display
> changes to happen by default (i.e some defaults can be shared by all
> your 'official work'-related activities), without any customisation
> needed from the user. What comes immediately to my mind is...

ook, so to recap:
i'm thinking about how to fit the thing into plasma...
would still activities be associated 1:1 with containments?

so a containment like now has associated an activity name and an activity 
now the name is contained in the Context class that yeah, maybe is an 
incorrect name but is in the public api unfortunately, so this stuff would be 
in it anyways, the contextChanged signal would have the new context, that 
would contain not only the activity name but also the type..

seems sound? missing something in the big picture? :)

> Suppose we have three activities:
> 1. "P's Birthday card" - a personal activity in which you are
> designing a card for your child
> 2. "Plasma Netbook" - a community development activity in which you
> are developing the plasma netbook version
> 3. "Acme Business Project" - an official work which you would need
> serious concentration and should not have any distractions
> There is a slight difference in the way the desktop can adjust itself
> for each activity type. Suppose you are doing...
> Activity 1: When an email or IM comes from any of your friends, fellow
> OSS developers or anyone, you are notified immediately. The contact
> plasmoid on the desktop shows your recent or fav. contacts.
> Kickoff/Lancelot/Raptor shows all apps
> Activity 2: In this, messages from your fellow developers take
> precedence and are notified immediately, but emails from other friends
> can also be indicated in a non-intrusive way, by just showing an
> unread count. The contacts plasmoid on the desktop shows just the
> developers.  Kickoff/Lancelot/Raptor displays just the apps you need
> for development work (by default, without any customisation from user;
> but allows for user customisation, if needed)
> Activity 3: When you switch to this activity, the system sets your
> status as busy and queues any messages (other than from your company
> colleges, if configured) until you have finished with your activity.
> As you should not be disturbed, the system hides any non-urgent
> notifications till you finish or switch the activity.
> Kickoff/Lancelot/Raptor displays just the apps you need for
> productivity work (by default, without any customisation from user;
> but allows for user customisation, if needed)
> Hope I have made my point clear ;)
> Cheers,
> Hari
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