since for the next tokamak we will need a collaborative document
editor, and someone proposed kobby, i took the liberty of setting up
one infinote server.
please feel free to test it and tell me if anything bad happens, it's
on ruphy.org port 6523 (the port that kobby will propose you already).

files are automatically saved on the server each 5 seconds and are
also accessible from the web at:

...so we should be pretty safe as far as natural disasters occur in
switzerland ;-) or can be simply more easily trackable from people
that don't have kobby.

one single note, the server doesn't use tls encryption, but i don't
think this is a problem since the document's we'll be sharing is
nothing secret or confidential anyways.

for those of you who also use Arch Linux I also compiled kobby and all
its dependencies (which can't be found in official repos) with the AUR
PKGBUILDs and i put packages on http://media.ruphy.org/quick/packages
, you can just wget and pacman -U those files to be ready to go.

well... I hope that works well and see you soon guys! :-)

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