On September 10, 2009, Diego Casella ([Po]lentino) wrote:
> > ---------- Messaggio inoltrato ----------
> > From: "Aaron J. Seigo" <ase...@kde.org>
> > To: plasma-devel@kde.org
> > Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 11:23:26 -0600
> > Subject: Re: Plasmate previewer, again =P
> >
> > On September 10, 2009, Shantanu Tushar Jha wrote:
> > > As we could not have the meeting on that time as Diego and Aaron were
> >
> > busy
> >
> > > at Tokamak,
> >
> > actually, we showed up on irc at the stated time and waited around ... :/
> yup ...
> > > It'll be nice to have some status update. Diego what things are
> > > remaining to be implemented, i.e. which were planned but are not yet
> > > implemented?
> >
> > we put together a really short list of "things to do next"; Diego, do you
> > have
> > that still?
> >
> > Of course !
> Since up to now the code structure is not as good as we want, the basic
>  idea was to build a core class that handles our UI stuff, a ProjectManager
>  class to create/load projects and keep track of its files, and other
>  stuffs. As soon as everything works well, first we have to provide a
>  secure way to upload the package ( the idea is to use QCA to sign the
>  package ); second, that is, when an user download a package from our
>  server, we have to alert the user with one of these signals ( iirc :P ):
>    - Green flag: package signed by both KDE and the developer ( =
>  completely trusted );
>    - Blue flag: package signed by KDE, but not by the developer;
>    - Yellow flag: package signed by the developer, but not by KDE;
>    - Red flag: package is not signed ( = install it at your own risk ).
> Also, some improvements on Plasma::PackageMetadata should be done ( if
>  there are no issues with BC ):
>    - Made method's name more coherent ( for example, if the entry we want
>  to retrieve is "X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name" and the getter is called
>  "PluginName()", why the setter is named "setName()" ? it should be
>  "setPluginName()" ! )

it is setPluginName().

>  ; - extend the API in order to handle more entries (
>  for example, up to now there is no API call to write the
>  "X-Plasma-MainScript" entry, so i'm forced to use QFile to open the
>  metadata.desktop file, and then append that string manually O_o )

that probably belongs either in a subclass or via a 
PackageMetaData::setProperty(const QString &key, const QVariant &value) method 
since X-Plasma-MainScript is specific to plasmoid scripting and not to 
packages in general.
> * At present, the TimeLine is broken again because the regexp fix made @
> Tokamak was wrong: in fact the regexp "^commit [0-9a-ef]+$" always returns
> the entire list of commits! I've adjusted it with

hm. try setMinimal(true) on the QRegExp object.

as for the sha1 hash, try:

"^commit ([0-9a-f])+$"

and then you can use QRegExp::cap(int), and use a while loop like the one in 
the QRegExp docu:

while ((pos = rx.indexIn(str, pos)) != -1) {
     list << rx.cap(1);
     pos += rx.matchedLength();

and cut up the list as you go.

> * The editor works pretty good, I tried it and works perfectly.

great :)

> * The previewer is awesome, but its possible to test it with a "fake"
> package and see if it load it correctly ?

can you try it on a real package loaded in plasmate?

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks

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