On Monday 28 September 2009 05:20:06 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> first thought i have is that if there are different svg's for different
>  sizes,  let's put those different svg's in a file and use them.

Yup! I think that Marco is a bit too much optimistic too, but details follow 
in the mail answering to him. This could work by letting the air/oxygen theme 
embed the battery as pngs in the theme. It still doesn't solve the problems of 
consistency with the menu and device notifier which are themed by the icon 
theme, and the configuration of icon effects, but it's still a step forward.
> but i think we should stop thinking in terms of "we have 16, 22, 32, 48,
>  64,  128 and 256 px interfaces" that is implied in this whole thread about
>  using bitmaps.
> we have 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ....250, 251, 252, 253, 
> 254, 255, 256 px interfaces.

Interfaces do work at those sizes, some of them slightly less good than 
"fixed" sizes, but certainly better than blindly scaling svgs. png scaling 
*does* work reasonably well for most cases, for example the menu and the 
device notifier haven't ever shown me a scaling artifact in the panel.
SVGs need a lot of love to be done right, just like scalable interfaces.

or, more simply, to put it like nuno always says:
"SVG is not scalable! whoever tells you that is lying!"

> if the svg's only look good at certain multiples then we need to keep the 
> resizing to within those multiples.

Ok, then I think it's fair not to let the battery grow over 256x256. Even if 
it could probably be scaled a little bit more up without loosing too much 
details. :-)
> but really, going to pixmaps is not an option for reasons that should
> really be abundantly clear to anyone who has written a plasmoid.

So, are you suggesting that for example device notifier and the menus should 
switch over to SVG?

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