On September 29, 2009 09:14:42 pm Thilo-Alexander Ginkel wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am currently developing a Weather Ion for the German wetter.com weather
>  data provider to improve the station coverage for Germany, Austria and
>  Switzerland.
> Unfortunately, wetter.com only provides forecast data through its free web
> service API, so the Ion actually has no access to current observation data
>  to provide to the Weather Plasmoid. AFAICS this results in some ugly
>  rendering glitches in the Plasmoid such as a large question mark document
>  being displayed instead of the current weather condition.

If you omit the keys for current conditions, it should not display any current 
condition tab at all.

> Is building a Ion that does not supply observation data, but only forecast
> data, supported? Is there a way to convince the Weather Plasmoid to skip
> displaying the observation data (instead of displaying "N/A" indicators and
> icons)?
If you use "N/A"  the applet should ignore displaying those fields if they 
aren't even set, they shouldn't appear at all.

Let me know where it is not doing this and I'll fix applet.


> Thanks,
> Thilo
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