On 3/10-2009 00:34 "Aaron J. Seigo" <ase...@kde.org> wrote:
> On October 2, 2009, Thomas Olsen wrote:
> > On 2/10-2009 20:13 "Aaron J. Seigo" <ase...@kde.org> wrote:
> > > On October 2, 2009, Thomas Olsen wrote:
> > > >  - After having created the UI and layout in init() I need to resize
> > > > the Plasmoid the a reasonable size as it is too small without
> > > > specifying it [1]. I don't want to use a fixed pixel size as this can
> > > > be wrong for different themes, fonts etc. I tried to resize it based
> > > > on the max/minimum width/height of the main layout but that caused
> > > > plasma-desktop to eat all memory and eventually crash so I guess
> > > > thats the wrong way to do it ;-) What is the best practice for
> > > > setting the initial size?
> > >
> > > does the widget use a top level layout? you should be able to just set
> > > a default reasonable size in the ctor and then the layout can expand
> > > the widget if needed.
> >
> > Yes I have a toplevel layout
> the layout should be adjusting the size of the widgets it contains as
>  needed or making sure the Applet item itself is large enough if the
>  minimum size is run into. something is going wrong with the widget
>  layout....

I've always had a love/hate affair with the Qt layout so I guess I'll have too 
look into my layout design again. I might be wrong (English is not my native 
language as you can see) but from what you're writing I understand that it 
shouldn't be necessary to set the size explicitly if the layout is correct?

> > and I now I have set a default size both in
> > init()
> it should not go into init() as that will override the user's settings
>  between sessions.

Aha. That makes sense.

Best Regards / Med venlig hilsen

  Thomas Olsen

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