Yes, I am aware of the existence that runner, however I was not
entirely satisfied by its functionality.  First, instead of using
libqalculate it uses an external 'qalc' process and then reads the
result from standard output. Second, it is not easily configurable.
Then there were probably other reasons that I cannot remember :)
That's why I started writing my own runner in playground. Moreover,
the idea now is to have just a *single* calculator runner that
optionally uses libqalculate.


On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 23:04, David Baron <> wrote:
> On Tuesday 06 October 2009 22:36:52 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
>> On October 6, 2009, David Baron wrote:
>> > On Tuesday 06 October 2009 19:09:02 Matteo Agostinelli wrote:
>> > > Hello,
>> > >
>> > > as suggested by Aaron in a previous discussion, I am having a look at
>> > > the calculator runner with the purpose of extending the capabilities of
>> > > the runner by using libqalculate when it is available...
>> >
>> > There already is such an animal.
>> where?
>> (i love it when people say such things but don't actually say where so we
>>  can all go on a merry hunt ;)
>> i see the one in playground/base/plasma/runners/qalculate, but it's
>>  Matteo's runner. so i assume he's aware of it ;)
>> is there another one somewhere?
> Sorry 'bout that. This is another thing that is not eye-candly on kde-look
> Listed as a "plasmoid binary" but it is a runner. This apparanlty runs qalc
> (from libqalculate project). Mayb this is the source to teach me how to run
> recoll from a runner.
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