On 20/10-2009 20:16 Chani <chan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > About the name confusion: are there any reasons for Plasmoids also being
> > referred to as Applets and Widgets? Widgets is a specially confusing term
> >  as at least I think of Qt Widgets when used.
> Widget = any sort of little doodad you can add to your desktop. plasmoids,
> google gadgets, osx dashboard widgets, etc... that group of things seemed
>  to already have "widget" as the most common name before plasma came along.
> Plasmoid = a plasma-specific widget.
> Applet = the class within libplasma that all plasmoids inherit.

Thanks Chani. I think I wasn't being clear in what I wrote. What I meant was 
that reading through documentation, tutorials etc. about creating *Plasmoids* 
the terms seems to be used rather randomly.

Best Regards / Med venlig hilsen

  Thomas Olsen

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