On October 22, 2009 13:21:33 kakashi-sempaii wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm developing a plasmoid and have some problem with the configuration
>  window that appears with a right clic : only the buttons "help", "OK" and
>  "Cancel" are enabled, and not the button "default settings".
> I have tried the following :
> Code:
> parent->setButtons( KDialog::Default | KDialog::Apply | KDialog::Ok |
> KDialog::Cancel );
> to add also an "apply" button, but nothing happens (in fact, the button
>  "help" disappears).
> Does someone know how to deal with this ?
> Thanks !

iirc it's a problem with some part of kde's config stuff that we can't fix 
kde5 or something :/ even if the apply button was there, it wouldn't work.
I can't remember *what* the problem was exactly... just that nobody could fix 
it. :(

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