On 29/10-2009 18:49 "Aaron J. Seigo" <ase...@kde.org> wrote:
> On October 29, 2009, Thomas Olsen wrote:
> >  maybe add a "--force-overwrite" option or something like that.
> it already has one: "--upgrade".

Which isn't enough at it's current state. See below.

> > I don't know if Plasma::PackageStructure->uninstallPackage() has any
> > error checking
> some but not enough, really.
> > (couldn't find it on websvn) but it has failed for me at some
> > occasions where it removed the content and not the directory therefore
> >  letting plasmapkg fail on both -i and -r.
> "the content"? you mean the service file? or?

I should have checked it more thoroughly but at that time I just wanted it to 
work. I had removed with plasmapkg -r. then I tried to reinstall with 
plasmapkg -i with no success. Tried to remove it again but got the error 
message that the package wasn't installed. Scratched my head for ½ minute and 
checked it ~/.kde/share/apps/plasmoids/<package> was still there. It was and 
when I deleted it the re-installation succeeded. Next time (if any such) I 
will check which files are actually removed.
> personally, i'd also like to see it fixed so that it can remove an entry by
> the same name it was installed with in all cases (e.g. by recording the
> original file name somewhere).

Do you mean the package name like "somewidget-0.3.1.plasmoid"?

Best Regards / Med venlig hilsen

  Thomas Olsen

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