Just to inform you it's in kdereview for 4.4. This wasn't created in
reviewboard, sorry for the misleading subject :).


On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 4:26 AM, Sandro Andrade <sandroandr...@kde.org> wrote:
> Summary:
> Plasmoid for visualizing development activities in KDE projects. The
> motivation comes from the (now inactive) KDE Commit-Digest web site
> and the KDE Observatory aims at provide such information as up-to-date
> as possible in the plasma desktop. The designed architecture uses two
> main components for accomplishing this task: collector and views. A
> collector is responsible for acquiring data from a specific data
> source, such as lists.kde.org or ebn.org, and storing such information
> in a sqlite database. A view provides a visual representation of
> collected data. The plasmoid's configuration options allow for the
> specification of the watched projects (by means of their commit path
> and Krazy report path), selection of which projects should be depicted
> in each view, and some parameters for timers, view transition effects,
> and the extent of days to be analysed in commit history.
> Implemented features:
> - Commit Collector (acquiring data from lists.kde.org) - with incremental 
> update
> - Krazy Collector (acquiring data from www.englishbreakfastnetwork.org)
> - "Top Active Projects" view (more committed projects)
> - "Top Developers" view (more active developers - in terms of commits #)
> - "Commit History" view (graph showing commit # evolution through the
> specified commit extent)
> - "Krazy Report" view (showing a per project and per file type Krazy
> information)
> - Timed transition of views
> - Slide effect for view transition
> How to use it:
> 1) Add the plasmoid (plasmoid name = plasma_applet_kdeobservatory)
> 2) Open configurations
> 3) The page "Projects" exhibits all created projects. By clicking the
> "Add" button a new project can be created (some pre-fabs would be good
> here - Plasma, Amarok, etc). Each project has a name, a commit subject
> (prefix used in subject field of lists.kde.org?l=kde-commits), a Krazy
> report path 
> (http://www.englishbreakfastnetwork.org/krazy/reports/<krazy-report-path>/index.html),
> and an icon.
> 4) The page "Views" shows the enabled projects in each view (Top
> Active Projects, Top Developers, Commit History, and Krazy Report). By
> default, new created projects are enabled in all views.
> 5) The page "General" provides configuration for the commit extent to
> be collected in lists.kde.org (be prepared for longer acquisition time
> when using higher values - limited to 30 days), the synchronization
> delay, some parameters for view transition, and a general
> enabling/disabling/re-ordering of all projects in a view.
> The Commit History view depends on Qwt (yes, I'm still changing
> CMakeLists.txt :).
> Thanks for any feedback,
> Sandro Andrade

Sandro Santos Andrade
Distributed Systems Laboratory (LaSiD)
Computer Science Department (DCC)
Federal University of Bahia - Brazil
KDE developer - KDevelop project
Plasma-devel mailing list

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