On November 23, 2009 10:25:19 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On November 22, 2009, Chani wrote:
> > I've rearrranged some things, and added some stuff...
> > http://chani.ca/sshots/mousplugins.png
> some header strings are missing that would make it a bit more obvious imho;
>  or maybe not? :)
> instead of "Mouse Plugins" perhaps "Mouse Actions"?


> does the text at the bottom appear only when one of the trigger buttons is
> pressed? perhaps showing a tooltip on the button in question when it is
> pressed might work nicer (so that one doesn't have to look to the bottom of
> the edit area)?

right now the text is always there; I was considering showing it only when 
pressed. a tooltip? hmm. depends on the exact behaviour of tooltips perhaps 
(I'll have to go play with them and see)

> perhaps a "Click to change action trigger" tooltip when the button isn't
> pressed, and then show "Press a combination of mouse buttons, scroll
>  wheels, Control, Alt and/or Meta keys that should trigger this action"
>  tooltip when it is pressed?

that could work.
oh, and I keep forgetting, I should go into the input button class and make it 
show which modifiers are held down. feedback++

> perhaps the combobox column should have more stretch added to it as well,
>  so that the trigger buttons aren't quite so large?

hmm. I've never played with stretch... I'll see what it does.
btw, the column with the config button... it goes all stretchy if there are no 
plugins with config available. can I fix that with stretch factors too? 

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