On Monday 30 November 2009, Andras Mantia wrote:
> Hi,
>  I don't write a bug report, as this is not a bug in itself, just something
> that seems to be badly designed. Or maybe it is still unfinished, in that
> case ignore the mail.
>  The idea of keeping the notifications visible for a longer time makes
>  sense and I support it. The way how it works now (as of 29/11/2009)
>  unfortunately is not good. The problem is that the notifications remain
>  there for too long time. Example: you get a mail in some folder and you
>  get notified. You read it. After a while you get another mail in another
>  folder, you get notified, but in the notifications it appears as you'd get
>  a mail in the first folder as well. But there isn't anything new, so it is
>  misleading and confuses you, the user. I know, the notification item

true, the problem is that sophisticate communication like "the mail associated 
to that notification has been read" is totally impossible in the spec (and 
probably quite out of scope too, since it would require too much burden to the 
applications themselves, situation that would make sure it would be misused)

what i think could be done is, when exploring old notifications with the 
tabbar, they could be marked as "read" and the subsequent time they will all 
appear collapsed, while the "new" ones expanded as usual

>  cannot know that you read a mail. And I know that expiring the
>  notifications after a certain time is not that good, as we loose the
>  functionality for which this was introduced: to be able to read the
>  notifications later, when you have time for them. I have a solution, but I
>  don't know how it will work in real life: if you manually click to see the
>  notifications, when they disappear they should be removed completely,
>  assuming that if you clicked on the icon to see them, you really read them
>  as there is no reason keeping them "forever". Alternatively (or maybe

they are not kept "forever" but half an hour. what is still to be done is to 
make the expire time dependant whether the computer is in use or not, like 
it's already done with the job progress

Marco Martin
Plasma-devel mailing list

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