first of all i wish you all a nice silvester 2009/2010.
So here is my suggestion. I have tried some weather plasmoids on KDE 4.3 and 
4.4. Some of them let me choose weather information for a german city others 
not. In some of the plasmoids i could select the city via a city code like 
GMXX0018 ... some of them let me search for my city. My suggestion is now to 
implement a weather data collection library that integrates the information 
retrieval from weather stations around the world so that not every plasmoid 
doing its own way. Maybee we could do that over the kde settings etc. 
Im very dissapointet that i could not find for example cologne or bonn in the 
lcd weather plasmoid and for example in yawp i could find them. For a normal 
user this situation is very annoying.

So whats about collection weather information via a single interface?

Andreas Scherf
Plasma-devel mailing list

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