2010/1/10 Amos Kariuki <amoskah...@gmail.com>:
> I've been working on the "Yahoo! Weather" ion dataengine that's currently in 
> Playground (/trunk/playground/base/plasma/ions/yahooweather/) and was 
> thinking of having it moved to
> Kdereview now that it's feature complete.  Are there any instructions on the 
> process to do this or information on how a project migrates from Playground 
> to its final resting place
> (Kdebase in this case)?
> I would ideally like to use reviewboard.kde.org for review but I'm not sure 
> of the process. My guess is:
> 1. Move the project from playground to 
> /trunk/kdereview/plasma/dataengines/weather/ions/ (not sure how this is 
> managed)
> 2. Create a diff of the project in kdereview and create a new review request 
> in reviewboard with the diff attached to it.
> 3. Move the project from kdereview to kdebase once all any mentioned issues 
> in reviewboard are resolved.
> Is there a need to use both kdereview (svn) and reviewboard or should I just 
> submit a patch for review in reviewboard and ignonre kdereview?
> Any clarification is appreciated.

http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/SVN_Guidelines should explain how the
lifecycle works.

Matt Williams
Plasma-devel mailing list

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