> From: Marco Martin 

> problem is that atm there is no concept of importance in the spec
> and since all members are in the signarure of a single function call, no ways 
> to add it in a compatible way.
> what we can do now is an ugly whitelist: this is from the powermanager, so i 
> care more to see it

If it helps any, might the following interaction model handle "noisy" apps:
- provide a mechanism that allows the user to suppress the popup of 
notifications from any specific app.  Suppressed notifications would still get 
stored in the "stack" and would be reflected by the increase in notification 
count number - they just wouldn't popup.
- when a notification is triggered by an app whose notifications are not 
suppressed, only show that specific notification and no other part of the 
notification stack/history.  The notification count is perhaps enough to 
communicate that there are additional notifications beyond the current one 
being shown.
- when the user clicks on the (i) show the all notifications in the 
stack/history using whatever grouping/scrolling/etc. strategy you come up with. 
(I like the app grouping idea myself...)

A singularly systemic determination of importance/priority will 
perhaps always run into a few grey areas that inevitably conflict with 
what the user holds is important.  No not all areas are grey, but the 
grey areas definitely exist.

I understand that chiming into an already long running thread from the peanut 
gallery is potentially not helpful.  This is meant to be purely constructive 
and not meant to be "you're all stupid, this is the only solution".

peace and much respect,
Andrew Lake
Plasma-devel mailing list

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