2010/1/27 Marco Martin wrote:
> the policy should be this:
> - if a new one arrives check if there is already a notification of the same
> app if it is remove that one

What if I didn't have time to read that one, because it got instantly
covered by a newer one? Then I'm forced to open (i) to review what was

> - else remove the oldest

Same thing. With "pile on top" I have no guarantee to have seen
previous messages, they could have been covered too fast or I might
have been looking elsewhere when they appeared.

> -put the newest notification on top
> old one wouldn't be "lost since the stack will be positioned to be enough to
> show the titles of old ones

So this policy is "see the whole of the last message in a burst, see
only the headers of previous ones".

I think this will work in a burst from the same app, but will favor
noisy applications over quiet ones. That important "Low battery" alert
would quickly be covered by Kopete messages. Are you sure you can put
up with this? At least, putting new messages behind gives all
applications equal chance.
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