Hi everyone,

Skrooge currently has a module called Dashboard that contains several widgets 
showing various information about your financial situation. We implemented that 
using standard KDE/Qt technologies, but it always looked to me like a plasma 
view with "skroogoids" inside. We've started a plasma implementation of it 
(disabled in CMakeLists.txt), but I realize using plasma inside applications is 
not yet a common feature (Amarok being a very noticable exception), hence not 
yet documented. 

After some rather pathetic attempts, I realize I don't have enough experience 
to do this on my own: I hardly do any coding in Skrooge, and Stephane, the main 
developper is busy with other subjects.

I was wondering if someone here would like to give a hand with this ? This 
would also be an opportunity to add more tutorials on techbase.kde.org to help 
other apps getting started should they need plasma. What we need at this stage 
is (with my understanding of plasma, I may be wrong on some points):

* implement a newspaper view that will receive skroogoids.
* write a dataengine providing data from the current skrooge file (which is in 
fact an SQLite database).
* create some skroogoids that should be displayed in the newspaper view. 
Ability to display them on the desktop, without skrooge being opened is 
something to be discussed (a skrooge file may be password protected using QCA, 
no idea how this could be handled).
* save the dashboard config inside the Skrooge file (currently not supported by 
plasma, IIRC)

Or maybe the whole thing could be a GSOC subject ?

Skrooge, a personal finances manager powered by KDE 4.x 
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