On Saturday 13 February 2010 17:35:09 Shantanu Tushar Jha wrote:
> > I am using kde 4.3.>5 from
> > "svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/KDE/4.3/"
> > on my laptop.
> > 
> > I was not able to see the remaining time, when my laptop is on battery.
> > So I "fixed" that.
> > 
> > I hope that you, or the person, who is responsible for that, will take
> > the "fix" over to "svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/KDE/4.3/", so
> > that everyone can enjoy that.
> > 
> > The "fix" is in the email attachment.
> The estimated time has been intentionally removed from the applet after
> long discussion.

And personally, I think the situation has changed since then. I don't know for 
you, but I haven't seen a computer that does a very bad estimation of the 
remaining battery time crappily since a long time now. (only exception is my 
eeepc 701 whose bios does only support percentages dividable by ten - 10%, 
20%, ...)

Obviously you can't foresee the future in your software, but that's what 
"estimated" means, in every other battery "applet" in every other desktop 
environment in every other operating system. With similar reasonings, all the 
ETA in the progress dialogs should be removed, since those can be equally 

And I've seen many people to whom I had to explain what had happened and why 
we removed that feature, without even letting it in the configuration UI... (a 
config that is really NOT crowded, and that really could host one little 
checkbox more)
This "bugreport" is just a symptom of this, IMHO.

I hope some of you see the validity of my point...

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